Discover your potential.

Bigger Futures offers a few different tracks to discovering your potential. Our core curriculum is based around the Thought Patterns® Program, which is a live-facilitated video curriculum that employs powerful tools to change the way we think. The below pathways identity a few different entry points to learn more about the programs that are catered towards different learning styles.

Our core programs:

Invent Your Future

The ‘Do it Yourself’ version to creating a better tomorrow for your bigger future.

Discover your potential at your own speed from the comforts of your couch. Invent Your Future allows you to tackle powerful mindsetting curriculum at your own pace through seven core units.

Thought Patterns for High Performance®

​Get to the root-cause issues that result in individual and organizational under-functioning.

For those of you looking for a bit more structure, Thought Patterns® for High Performance is a multiple day, facilitator-lead program that covers our 12-unit course. Whether you’re interested in setting up a private or public session, we can design the program for your business, friends, or family.


What is Thought Patterns®?

A two-day immersive course dedicated to transforming people's lives into a better version of themselves. If you’re interested in hearing more, let’s talk.


In partnership with The Pacific Institute® LLC, Thought Patterns for High Performance® is designed to build your understanding, with a structured process, of how your mind works, and how you can control the way you think to achieve greater success — in any part of your life that you desire.

The basis of all human action is human thought. Our thought process forms the foundation on which we build every facet of our lives. Therefore, it is important for each of us to understand how our minds work — how we got the habits and attitudes, the beliefs that may stand in the way of releasing our vast inner potential and leading fulfilling and purposeful lives.


As a part of joining our Bigger Futures network, we offer personal and group sessions. Inquire below to learn more about how we can work with you, your team, friends or family to create a customized experience for you.